Offering made to the God of Dance, Lord Nataraja before commencing the performance.

A culmination of years of passion, commitment and nurturing... An art form that rids the mind of all worries, refreshes the senses and rejuvenates the spirit... Bharatanatyam gives me a sense of satisfaction that is surreal. I just realised I've never blogged about the one passion that'll remain close to my heat as long as I live. I just enjoy learning this art form. The intricate footwork or nritta is based on rigorous training since childhood. The nuances of abhinaya or expressions are extremely challenging to portray. Years of exploring , experience and empathy make the perfect bhaavam or feeling radiate through every nerve and the perfect movements glide through every muscle in the body as a dancer performs.
“Yatho hasta thatho drishti;
Yatho drishti thatho manah;
Yatho manah thatho bhava;
Yatho bhava thatho rasa.”
"Where the hand goes, the eye follows;
Where the eye goes, the mind follows;
Where the mind goes, is the heart;
Where the heart is, lies the reality of being."