Hmmm, you probably imagine a bullfight to follow the rule, "May the best man.. or beast win..." but Spanish Bullfighting is not so.. no matter how bold, powerful or furious the bull, it must die after 20 minutes of torture. Here's how the bullfight proceeds: There are 3 tercios, or parts separated by horn signals... first the bull is taunted by 6 bullfighters waving the capote... the pink and yellow cloth you see in the above picture. Now enter the two picadores on horseback(the horses are blindfolded and armoured) armed with a sort of lance. As the bull charges towards the horse, the picadore attacks and lowers its blood pressure by piercing its back with his lance. Then 3 banderilleros stab the attacking bull with a pair of banderillas each. Now that the bull is weak and bleeding, the matador with his muleta, a red cloth and his sword enters and has to artistically show a so called domination over the bull and then kill it in one stroke through its heart. If it does not die, as in many cases, out come the other bullfighters to remove the sword so the matador can try and try until he suceeds. Then, he parades round the stadium with the ears of the bull. Its outright cruelty!!

To make it fair the matador should have spears stuck in him as well.
well that's not going to happen as long as man rules the world... but in portugal the bull is sometmes spared if brave.. wats the point tho if its wounded badly
The description pierced me even though ive heard of this...its so damn sad!
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