Thursday, 14 June 2007

May the rain be with you...

A polka dotted multicoloured umbrella half the size of a standard umbrella still used by an 18 year old friend of mine despite the fact that it leaves your back totally wet if you want to protect your face. here's a tribute to that adorable umbrella that sheltered half of me many a time and more importantly gave many of us loads to laugh about. I managed to locate an original picture...


Cirrus Spray said...

One day Hurly was walking with Mamsy and Maddy back from a particular meeting. After all that business, it started raining, m and m tried conning Hurly into taking this girly umbrella, cause it rhymed with the name. Hurly's around six feet tall. So Hurly's bum would invariably get wet. But unfortunately, by some great coincidence Great white's grander umbrella, more macho looking one was around. Hurly grabbed it and ran away. Maddy and Mamsy wet their asses back to the hideout. Phew!

Neeta said...

Hehe :D